Aaroh S
5 min readMay 3, 2020


This is my first magazine and all who have read it can give me feedback so that I improve in my next magazine.

Please also read my next improved magazine and give me feedback again and like that keep going till my best magazine ever gets written.

Enjoy it and give me feedback so that one day I can write best magazine ever written in this universe.

Author : Aaroh Srivastav

Co Author: Akansh Verma

Craft: Shoe box garage

Material required: Scissors, Glue, shoe box cardboard. Method:

Refer the picture below to follow the below steps.

Step 1 — Take a waste shoe box and cover it with your favorite color paper.

Step 2 — Cut plank 1 (Shown in picture) and stick it in the middle of the shoe box.

Step 3 — Cut plank 3 (Shown in picture) and stick it at the middle plank as shown. Notice the fold at the end of the plank 2. The fold makes it easy to stick on the middle plank.

Your double story parking space is ready to rent out!.

Story: Fikku learns a lesson

Once upon a time, there lived a fox named Fikku. He always boasted with other animals that he was the strongest in the jungle. One day, all the animals in the jungle got fed up of his stories and they decided to teach him a lesson. They planned out a strategy with help of Mittu monkey.

Photo By : Akansh Verma

Mittu went to Fikku and said “You always say that you are the strongest in this jungle but then why don’t you scare Limbu lion?”

“Ok, I will show you how brave I am by scaring Limbu lion” said Fikku.

Fikku went to Limbu lion’s cave but Limbu lion roared at him and Fikku ran away immediately. Fikku realized that there are a lots of things he cannot defeat.

Moral: Over estimation of one’s capability is dangerous.

Story: Grandma’s cake

One day it was Grandma’s birthday. She gave her cake to a poor girl. When the girl was about to take a bite someone or something snatched the cake. It was Willy witch. The girl cried out “Willy witch! please give my cake back” but her plea was in vain.

Photo By: Akansh Verma

The girl cried “Grandma, Grandma Willy witch took your cake” then Grandma dug a hole and put a small piece of cake in the hole and watered it. To the girl’s surprise a tree full of cakes grew then the Grandma and the girl enjoyed the cakes but the Grandma was none than Grandma fairy!

Activity: Which of the following is Grandma’s tree: Apple Tree, Cake Tree, Banyan Tree

Activity: Write which is Limbu lion’s, Mittu monkey’s and Fikku fox’s sounds

Experiment: Ingredients: A full glass of water, a cardboard piece. Method: put the cardboard piece on top of the glass then turn the glass over do you think the cardboard piece will fall? no it does not fall try it out yourself!. Warning do it in the sink

Knowledge: Why does soapy water make bubbles?.

Answer: Bubbles are a thin wrapper of soap filled with air. When air meets soap, the soap sticks together around it. As the air pushes to get out, the soap pulls to stay together. This makes a bubble.

Story: Ribby and Colly

Ribby is a naughty rabbit and Colly is a wise crow. Ribby doesn’t not listen to Colly’s wise words and always falls in trouble.

One day Ribby rabbit found a truck. He told Colly crow “I am going to make a house there”.

“No Ribby, don’t make a house there” said Colly crow but, Ribby didn’t listen. After a few days, the truck’s owner came. He drove the truck in full speed. Ribby flew out of the truck and got hurt badly.

Photo By: Akansh Verma

Ribby said to herself “I should have listened to Colly”.

Moral: Think before you act in haste.

Quiz: For you all

I am round as a bowl deep as a tub but all the water in the world cannot fill me up who am I?

I am always at the dining table but you don’t get to eat me who am I?

I am yellow I have ears but I cannot hear who am I?

I run forever but I never get tired who am I?

Joke: For you all 😀

Q: When is moon the heaviest planet?

A: When it is full!!!

Story: Chinnu and Minnu

One day two hungry rats Chinnu and Minnu were looking for food. After some time, they found a piece of cheese in a mousetrap. “I am going to eat that” said Minnu.

Photo By: Aaroh Srivastav

“No Minnu, that’s a trap let’s look for some other food” said Chinnu. But, Minnu didn’t listen, he went in the mousetrap and then the mousetrap closed with Minnu inside. An owl was watching this and said “Think twice before you leap”.

Moral: Think twice before you leap.

Story: Lazy farmer

One day a farmer grew a mango tree. After a few days, the plant grew to a tree with delicious mangoes on it. The farmer thought “I’ll take them tomorrow” and then he went away to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up and saw few crows eating the mangoes. Then he said to himself “I lost everything because I was lazy”.

Moral: Procrastination doesn’t pay.

Story: Greedy Fox

One day, two bulls were fiercely fighting with each other. A fox came and he saw the blood .The fox got greedy. He went in the middle of the bulls to drink the spilled over blood.

Again the bulls collided into each other and the fox’s stomach got crushed .That was the end of life of the greedy fox.

Moral: Be happy with what you have already got.

Drawing & Painting Board

Picture By: Rishita Raj , School : DPS Bangalore, Std 4th

Picture By : Kirtika Pathak, School Valley View School Jamshedpur, Std 4th